오류모음집/spark WARN Utils: Service 'sparkDriver' could not bind on a random free port. You may check whether configuring an appropriate binding address. 임마늘 2023. 4. 11. 22:00 반응형 대처 방안 네이버 블로그 발췌 [Spark 에러] Service 'sparkDriver' could not bind on a random free port. /etc/host 파일에 hostname 작성 스파크 내에서 host 바인딩이 제대로 안되서 발생하는 원인 hostname 해서 host name 획득 후 위 파일에서 <hostname> 작성 반응형 공유하기 게시글 관리 I AM SKY '오류모음집 > spark' 카테고리의 다른 글 ValueError: Cannot convert column into bool: please use '&' for 'and', '|' for 'or', '~' for 'not' when building DataFrame boolean expressions. (0) 2024.02.14 WARN package: Truncated the string representation of a plan since it was too large. This behavior can be adjusted by setting 'spark.sql.debug.maxToStringFields'. (1) 2024.02.14 Some data may have been lost because they are not available in Kafka any more; either thedata was aged out by Kafka or the topic may have been deleted before all the data in thetopic was processed. If you don't want your streaming query to fail on such .. (0) 2023.04.11 '오류모음집/spark' Related Articles ValueError: Cannot convert column into bool: please use '&' for 'and', '|' for 'or', '~' for 'not' when building DataFrame boolean expressions. WARN package: Truncated the string representation of a plan since it was too large. This behavior can be adjusted by setting 'spark.sql.debug.maxToStringFields'. Some data may have been lost because they are not available in Kafka any more; either thedata was aged out by Kafka or the topic may have been deleted before all the data in thetopic was processed. If you don't want your streaming query to fail on such ..